
I've enjoyed working on projects of all sizes and profiles, honing my craft along the way. Here is some of my latest work.

Video Player

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

In this project, I build an HTML5 video player using JavaScript and the HTML5 Video API. Using a transcript, I'll incorporate an interactive video player that synchronizes the video and the transcript.

YourApp Dashboard

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

In this project, I build a beautiful, web dashboard complete with JavaScript-driven charts and graphs.



In this project I build a responsive, mobile-first layout using HTML, CSS/SASS, SCSS partials, variables, extends, and mixins. This design responds well to small, medium, and large viewport sizes and devices.

Public API

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

In this project I use the OMDB API, grabing 6 movies and their details to reveal a few of my favorite films.